Notnagel's Answers FAQ #3

What is a Cliche?

A cliche is a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought, or it can also be defined as a a stereotype or electrotype. Basically its anything that has been done so many times its boring or expected.


  1. Michael Bay movies and Explosions
  2. Expressions like "Only time will tell" to create dramatic effect
  3. Descriptions of a person like "As weak as a kitten"
  4. Nature Photos like a sunset or the sky
  5. Photos of Castels
  6. Family Photos
  7. Human anatomy
  8. Animal photos ( Cat photos are cute but its been used WAY TOO MUCH! )
  9.  Peace sign Imagry
  10. Anarchy sign imagry
  11. Iphones
  12. Bottles
  13. Cars
  14. Cover Girls
  15. Pentigrams
  16. Crosses
  17. UFO's/Aliens
  18. Wine bottles
  19. Dolls 
  20. Abandon Building


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